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When Should You Use RSS Instead Of Email?

Here’s an interesting read and take on the Randy Cunningham broadside against Yahoo!

The thing is, it kind of is spam. I know that it’s not unsolicited and Randy doesn’t share his email lists and he has an unsubscribe link and honours all the unsubscribe requests promptly, but really, why do we need to use email for this? I used to subscribe to lots of email lists. Like ten years ago. But we have blogs now and RSS newsfeeds.1

It brings up an interesting question or two: When and for what should you use email? And should you consider moving from email to RSS?


  1. Luis Villazon, When Is Spam Not Spam?, Computing Blog | TechRadar (Jan. 16, 2012),–443891 (last visited Aug 18, 2008). ↩︎

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A recognized leader in the fight against online abuse, specializing in email anti-abuse, compliance, deliverability, privacy, and data protection. With over 20 years of experience tackling messaging abuse, I help organizations clean up their networks and maintain a safe, secure environment.