Author: admin

It’s time to consider non-users

A joint investigation by the Canadian and Australian governments has [acp author=”Offices of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and the Australian Privacy Commissioner” title=”PIPEDA Report of Findings #2016-005: Joint Investigation of Ashley Madison by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and the Australian Privacy Commissioner/Acting Australian Information Commissioner” id=”OPCCAPC-01″ year=”2016″ month=”August” day=”22″ year_access=”2016″ month_access=”August” day_access=”23″ url=””]released Read More

Who Drives DMARC?

Every time that someone comes up with a new way to talking about mail back channels it gets just a little more complex. First, we had SPF. That was a relatively easy thing. Add a text record to DNS that says where your mail is coming from and you’re set. You even had options to Read More

About that Gmail “Promotions” tab

It seems that a lot of people still misunderstand what the Gmail promotions tab is and does. How do I know this? Because I still get questions from time-to-time along the lines of “How do we get our mail out from the ‘Promotions’ tab and back into the inbox?” All that Google has done here Read More

Drafted for the wrong fight

My friend [acp author=”Al Iverson” title=”SPF Still Matters in 2016″ id=”Iverson-01″ url=”” year=”2016″ month=”March” day=”7″ year_accessed=”2016″ month_accessed=”March” day_accessed=”7″ media=”blog”]{author} just wrote a new blog post: “{title}”[/acp]. One of the things that he said struck a chord with me: “‘But SPF is worthless,’ occasionally a spam fighter will cry.” It struck a chord with me because SPF wasn’t Read More

So tell us how you REALLY feel

People will sometimes ask me why I hate the Lead Generation (lead gen) and Payday Loan industries. Ultimately, it’s because they have such deep problems that I don’t think that any self-respecting ESP should take them on as a client. This morning, I saw a [acp author=”United States Federal Trade Commission” id=”FTC-01″ title=”Data Broker Defendants Settle FTC Read More

When systems disagree

A co-worker recently brought to my attention an interesting problem which involves differing ideas concerning precedence between RFC5321 and RFC3463. The result of the issue is that mail systems may experience unneeded delay in delivering mail. What’s going on? Gmail is returning the following error for over quota accounts: “452 4.2.2 The email account that you tried Read More

Did you catch the death of Postini?

According to [acp author=”Google” title=”Postini Transition to Google Apps” id=”Goog1″ media=”website” url=”” YEAR_ACCESS=”2015″ MONTH_ACCESS=”June” DAY_ACCESS=”25″]Google[/acp], all mail stopped flowing through Postini servers on June 15. Any Postini clients who had not made the transition by the end of May were supposed to have been forcibly transitioned then. Postini was a traditional troublespot when it came to Read More

What happened to Compu-Finder?

The [acp author=”Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission” title=”CRTC Chief Compliance and Enforcement Officer issues $1.1 million penalty to Compu-Finder for spamming Canadians” id=”CRTC-01″ media=”website” url=”″ year=”2015″ month=”March” day=”5″ year_access=”2015″ month_access=”March” day_access=”5″ ]{author} announced[/acp] today that they have issued their first penalty against someone for sending email in violation of Canada’s anti-spam law. The penalty is substantial Read More

The ISP should be the last of your concerns

Hey marketers! Listen up! I’m about to give you the dirty little secret to deliverability. You know those stupid “one simple trick” scams that you see touting weight loss or lower insurance rates? Well, unlike those scams, I have one simple trick that will absolutely improve your deliverability rates. Are you ready? FORGET ABOUT THE Read More


“Nomenclatura” is a Latin word which refers to the “assigning of names to things.” [acp add author=”John Masden” title=”nomenclatura definition” media=”blog” id=”Latin_Dictionary” url=”” /] It’s something that we often overlook, but is very important. The names that we assign to things tell us something about those things and sometimes will also tell us something about ourselves. Read More

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