Drafted for the wrong fight
My friend [acp author=”Al Iverson” title=”SPF Still Matters in 2016″ id=”Iverson-01″ url=”http://www.spamresource.com/2016/03/spf-still-matters-in-2016.html” year=”2016″ month=”March” day=”7″ year_accessed=”2016″ month_accessed=”March” day_accessed=”7″ media=”blog”]{author} just wrote a new blog post: “{title}”[/acp]. One of the things that he said struck a chord with me: “‘But SPF is worthless,’ occasionally a spam fighter will cry.” It struck a chord with me because SPF wasn’t
Something that authentication can’t help
The email said, “Our last mailing had 30 complaints at AOL. Will signing with DKIM and SPF help with our reputation there?” In some ways, that is a fair question. We do talk about reputation a lot and how authentication ties into that. But, really, this is something that authentication can’t help because, for all